Sunday, June 14, 2020

I Go On MMXX - First Real Race of the Season

It has been more than eight long months since I could visit last normal O-race. So I hope it does not look like an addiction that I went this week almost to the borders of Balkan to make my first start of this season - in the middle of June.
Hopefully with the great effort of organizers everything went smooth. We all know the high moral standard of all O-runners so no Government regulations were vioalted and the event could be held without any difficulties. Just see it by yourself below.
Note: my special programm just censored those few runners who just were in need of doing some activity that prevented them wearing facemask

Center of the race at Pine Parquet

And what about my performance - the best of the season so far I would say. Up and down, I mean mentally down and physically up, that brought me to beat League-100 at least with fine reserve and without extras.

Killed man's map

Despite spending nearly one hunder minutes in the terrain my watches told me I did only maintance training. So I guess it is time to fuck off with training. I am going to be an activist!

Twice around the dial

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