Monday, November 12, 2018

Three Times Is Enough

Three races in the first six days of November is more racing than in total of previous six months. But so many checkpoints that these days that the crucial mistake must occur. And obviously it came at control "F" where I fucked it up as I forget that "F"ucking control. Nevermind still it was another unpleasant evening spent with racing and doping. But some dope to encourage memory would help too...

So that was time to say enough is enough. Time has come to drink some ion drinks to get back to balance of mental power and skill. And the best place was weekend trip to pub "By the Cripple" in Icebergmagnifyingglasses above Vltava where you pay fucking 50 pences for one beer and where the Errant Knight of Mapník was holding an anniversary celebration of his lifestyle magazine for better people. Amazing evening spent with golden beverage and even Golden Boy and only few gold was spent.

Monday, November 05, 2018

At Least 1st Appearance at the Last Race

As the season is ending I realized I had to visit at least one race to qualify for the Club championship which is held next weekend at a secret place. Unfortunately the last event of Prague Autumn Cup was organised by club of Very Sadistic Persons who are most famous for their torture races in the steep slopes above Bear River all the way from Blackfemale to Baldhill. However I must appraise their perverse sense of humor when they named the map of the race „Red Clay“ while you have to run 73,2% of the course on grey stones. Ok not in my case, to be honest I don’t run anymore so it was over an hour of walking in terrains which are not suitable even for any mean of human motion.
Red Clay map seen by red-blooded view 
But when I saw the map I was stunned. The section from the start to the checkpoint number 9 was so crushing that it literally made me fell at my ass while crying. Luckily my ass is too big that is was a soft landing and at least I have some short-term souvenir and another lack of mental power too.
Red Clay makes you purple make-up

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Back in Madness Business

After some time I went to an O-event. And there is no better place to waste the rest of my ruined mental power than Mental Hospital of Godkrásný. I run the Ultimate category and did ultimately bad as always. But things can always get worse so at the half I realized my headlamp is depleting really quick so I had to run in stealth mode, just turning on my light to check the map. Next time I should check my batteries before the race to not run Ultimate version of Ultimate category. I am too lazy to post map here but fortunately I found a pic of me at the event site. So at least I have something to steal and post here.

BTW: Day before the race I was checking some headlamps. I am used to that after searching some goods at the internet my browser is full of ads for that specific goods. But if I visit one specific shop about which I never heard before and another day I get on train and first I saw is an advertisement for that shop that is quite too much! That really can't be coincidence! I belive I have better chance to get on train and stand head-to-head to our ex-Prime Minister.

Ad for Kronium shop which I visited day before