Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Jubilee

Four thousand visitors on this site since the re-start at the beginning of 2008. Great job. Let's celebrate now!

Friday, February 05, 2010

4th NP LOB -B3 at the Free Order

The fourth night park ski-o event took place at the Gulch of Suffusions. His Majesty made some mistakes but We were still able to achieve top ten in the final standing. We got lost at the route from 11 to 8 and We lost Our way to the bridge and the brook-crossing was very cold.

This weekend His Majesty will try to survive another Ski-O stand at the Three Wells near the New Bulgarian Settlement. As seen below the understanding with the natives would be difficult.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

A Quarter-thousand of Minutes in the Forest

Exactly our performance on both weekend Championships took 251 :15. That means over fifteen thousands seconds of excessive strain...ugh!
... but His Majesty is improving on long distance. Last year Our result at the race of Northstar Tirana was +79 minutes. This year it is only +60 minutes.
I must say: keep moving His Majesty and You will not be competition nihilist anymore!

Here is the map from the race with a very important message from the organizers: